Nikon d3000, canon 1000d, canon450d?

What would you choose? This is going to be my first dslr. I want to know the basic of photography. But I don't know which one to choose. Tell me what and why?

D3000 has been replaced by the D3100. 1000D is far to basic for my liking. Because of that I would opt for the Canon 450D.
In truth when comparing similar priced/spec cameras such as the beginner ranges there will be very little overall difference and it may simply come down to personal preference.
note:- if other brands were allowed to be considered you could also find good value in the Pentax K-x, Olympus E-450 and Sony Alpha range.
*** EDIT ***
I presume Omega has a commision thing with Amazon? Every post about a camera he has comes with a story about him owning it. He must have a lot of cameras haha

I had been reading reviews online for the past month, and these what I found…
when compared to cameras of the same prices…
1. Canon cameras shots better outdoors compared to Nikon cameras.
2. Nikon cameras shoots better in low light compared to Canon cameras.
Because of that I'm choosing a Nikon, there's just no camera that shots bad in a good light, but there are cameras that shots bad in low light… That would be between D3100 or D5000. I still favor D5000 though.