My Nikon D50 won't take pictures?

So every time i try to take a picture, my camera just does like three quick shutters and says 'Error' on the top screen where all the info is. Also the little light next to the lens will go off for a second, then that's when the 3 quick shutters happen. Can anyone help me out?

Call Nikon and ask them.
What you are describing is not in the trouble shooting section of the user manual

Three quick shutters could be bracketing. Have you set bracketing? Check your manual if you don't know what bracketing is and/or how you control it. Download your manual from Nikon, if you need it.
Not sure what "the little light next to the lens will go off for a second" means. If you mean that it turns on, that could be the focus assistance lamp (AF-assist Illuminator). That happens when you turn that feature on and the camera needs a little more light to focus; IOW, it's OK.
The great unknown is the 'Error' message. That could be a camera malfunction, and like fhotoace says, you'll need to contact Nikon customer service. The most common mistake I make with my Nikon D90 that causes an error message to appear is to not have the lens seated properly. Loosen the lens and screw it back on until you hear it click.
I'd solve the three quick shutters and see if the 'Error' message goes away. If you can't solve it or if the message doesn't go away, contact Nikon customer service.