My camera isn't connecting to my computer?

I got a new Nikon D5100, and I'm trying to get pictures from it to my laptop. I used to have a Nikon d3100 and it always connected fine, but now while putting the usb wire in, it won't even show that my computer sees anything.i'm doing everything that i used to do, but now it's not working. I don't have a memory card reader to get pictures off that way.

Restart the software disc that the camera came with. Its hard to tell because typically it will always show some status icon displaying if its connected or not. Are you making sure the camera is on. Another thing is some cameras need to be in USB mode before the computer will recognize it.

All laptops these days have an in-built SD card reader. Have you actually checked?

Depending upon the computer to camera interface to be automatic is never a good idea
If your computer does not have a card reader, just spend the $15 and buy a USB 2.0 reader and use it
It will solve a lot of problems. Once your memory card is inserted into the reader, just use your computer skills and file manager to copy all the images from the card to the computer to a new file folder named for the subject and date.

You're on your second DSLR and you still haven't bought a ten dollar USB card reader? I guess that's going to have to be your next purchase. Throw that $#%#$*& cable away.