Nikon SLR Cameras

Is this normal in a Nikon 35mm 1.8 lens? (ADDED INFO)?


I bought a NIKON nikkor 35mm 1.8 lens from craigslist (the person was also selling a d60 and a couple of other lenses but I only wanted the 35mm 1.8). The lens looked as good as new, no scratches, no dirt, perfectly clean. At first I didn't notice this (we were indoors) but after shooting a little I realized that a lot of highlighted areas look pink. Almost everything has a pink edge if I zoom in completely. The aperture was wide 1.8 but I don't think things are supposed to look pink when they are at any aperture… This is my first prime lens (I only had the 18-105 kit lens before) so i don't know if this normal? Is it defective? What should I do can I fix it? If not is there at least a software to lower the severity of it? It's noticeable but leaves almost completely when i lower the aperture to about 3.5.

look at all the pink on the bright reflections, like on the wires, and cars. That doesn't look right…

(I don't use filters)
(sorry that I posted this up a lot, but I always forget some info)

Added (1). I said I was sorry for posting so much but i always forget something. Thanks if you answered previously though!

Added (2). the pink mostly happens when there's a lot of contrast, like on a normal or sunny day, not much indoors.

Added (3). Yes but is it normal or is my nikkor 35mm 1.8 defective?

Added (4). and is it lateral or longitudinal chromatic aberration?


How many times you going to post this?


Yeah. It's still purple fringing / chromatic abberation if you ask it a hundred times.


It's chromatic Abberation. And yikes, is that a lot of it. I just scanned through a couple reviews of this lens, and it seems that a lot of CA at f1.8 is the norm with this lens. Apparently it's longitudinal CA.

Mushtaq A
Mushtaq A

It is better if you ask this clarification from the persons from whom you purchased this cam.


You have 3 options:
1. Stop using it at f/1.8 in high contrast situations, stop pixel peeping.
2. Ask for your money back
3. Sell it and buy something else
sorry 4 options
4 Just live with it.

Seems to me you are clearly not happy with it so sell it and move on.


Most of "bright" prime lenses tend to have all sorts of issues wide open. It's not that uncommon to have significant fault like this.

Knowing this is a relatively inexpensive lens, I'm not surprised at all with this. I have this lens but I have not noticed it.

In real issue, I can't imagine this will actually be a problem, as in bright situation like this, you wouldn't be using it wide open. In darker situations, contrast is lower to begin with, and you won't get that kind of highlight. So when you actually use it wide open, it won't be an issue.

IF you need perfect performance at wide open, you may need to step up to a professional grade lenses, which will be quite a bit more costly.

I'm going to say this is within acceptable range.

One thing I've noticed about lower end prime lens from Nikon is that they have quite a significant variation from piece to piece. You probably got not-so-good one.