Nikon SLR Cameras

Is there a adapter for canon AE1 lens to nikon D7000?


Is there a adapter for canon AE1 lens to nikon D7000?


It'll either cost you infinity focus or degrade the image and act like a teleconverter you don't need.

You'll lose AF and most of your metering modes.

The metering modes that work will be stopped down.

Is it really worth the hassle?

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

You're talking about a lens from a 35mm camera to a current digital camera of a different brand. Your results aren't going to be good, if at all.


Do a search on canon FD lens to nikon body.

the adapter will need a correction lens for infinity focusing (which means degraded image quality).

I would rather just get a budget AF lens.