Is the Nikon d7000 good for beginners?

I'm a beginner at photography. Just thinking about taking photos of family, sightseeing stuff. Probably going into photography next year or so.
Do you recommend it? Any problems with it the Nikon d7000?

They cost enough. So I'm sure they are a good quality camera. I have seen pictures they take.these cameras are good for motion pictures

Yes it is. If you think you might go full frame any time in the future. Don't buy DX lenses. That's my only advice. But if you think you'll stick with the same camera for a long time and don't plan on going full frame, then get dx lenses.

Yeah that's a good one for beginners and when you get more advanced it's a good backup. They have been having focussing issues so if you get it. Make sure it is focusing properly if it's not you have a year warranty to send it back

The D7000 is one of the best cameras I have ever gotten to play with. If you can afford to buy one, do it. Take care of it, and you could have it for a life time. You will not need to upgrade for a few years. A friend of mine owns one, and consistently posts one amazing wildlife photo after another. A lens also makes the camera. Don't put cheap lenses on it. Take your time and research lenses. For some time the stock lens; the 18-105 will certainly suit your needs.
From what I remember, (I shoot with a D3100)
6 frames per second
Very smooth
Very adaptive to lighting situations
FAST operation
32 Auto focus/Manual focus assist points
Well sealed/rugged
It all makes for an excellent camera. Pricey, but if I could I would!

Yes its a nice camera Nikon D7000
--100% view finder!
--6 fps (7D is 8. However, I think this number is overhyped in most cases. Even shooting at 3 FPS will fill up you card with photos that look remarkably similar) 8+ is needed for professionals shooting professional sports. Not enthusiast shooting High School etc.
--16mp sensor (a marketing increase but still nice to allow some room for cropping)
--14 bit photos
--39 point auto focus sensors (19 cross point) this is a bit of a marketing thing but it is still nice and it does not matter about the 51 on D300s and above. Still very nice.
--2016 scene meter - compares against data base for WB setting and color settings
--Excellent battery life
--MD-11 Optional Battery Grip
--2 SD card slots for back up redundancy or double the card space! Outstanding
--Magnesium used to make camera stronger