Nikon SLR Cameras

Is a Canon T2i a good second DSLR?


I'm stepping up from a Nikon D60 and am hoping to have a career in sport photography or something of that sort. I also want to do some video along the way. I'm in gr.9 and taking a media arts course next year, and I have sorta stuck with the t2i as my next dslr. Are there any others I could consider?

Jim A
Jim A

Actually the t2i would make an excellent first dslr. First it's an excellent camera and at 18mp is about the most powerful dslr out there.

I own a t1i and it's my first camera because my second is a Rebel XS and my third is a Fuji bridge camera - excellent but it's no XS and certainly is no t1i.

You may also want to consider the t1i - it's excellent and isn't as expensive as the t2i. Also, in my opinion, 18mp is over kill. Unless you're planning prints the size of a small car there's actually no need for even 15mp that I have in my t1i. My Rebel XS has 10 and it's superb up to 11x14 and even larger.

If cash is an issue, as it is with so many these days, look over the t1i, it does video as well.


Is there any particular reason why you want to switch to Canon?

Other than that, with video being a requirement, you could consider the D3100 or D7000. With them, you can still use your old lenses and flash units and eventually save money by buying the body only.


As Jim said, it'll be a great first hand DSLR.Great noise performance, quality, Full HD and HD video and great body.

Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price and which one to buy -


The Canon T2i is definitely an excellent DSLR. It is rated the top entry level to mid-range DSLR and also packs a ton of great stuff! I have this camera and I'm about the same age as you (I'm in grade 10) and I've been using this camera for my photography 10 class. This camera also has a great price, I purchased mine for $750 and even picked up a nice telephoto lens for $150 (purchased at Black's Photo, but Best Buy currently has the same price). You could consider the Canon D60, but for the extra $300 this camera really isn't worth it. The main difference between the T2i and the D60 is the fact that the D60 has a swivel screen (like a camcorder), so unless you're really, really interested in having a swivel screen, stick with the T2i.
Also, if you're interested in sport photography I highly recommend getting a few wide-angle lenses!