In need of some advice for a photography camera?

I'm getting into photography as a hobby and I've done a lot of research and I have narrowed it down to a couple of camera's so I'm just looking for some advice on which is a better camera for a starter.
Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D
Canon Rebel Digital SLR T3i
Nikon digital SLR D3100
Nikon D3200
Added (1). The photography I want to get into is portraits i.e new born photos, family photos, weddings, engagements, senior photos. All that funn stuff.

All fine cameras I'm sure. Consumer Reports just gave a high rating to the Nikon D 3200.
Remember the camera is but a brush in the artists hands. How the brush is used is much more important than who made the brush.
Buy a quality heavy pro type tripod also.

Nikon d3200 no question. Lots of megapixels, great ISO performance and a great step up to the d7000 when you need to

When it comes to digital cameras--i have never been disappointed with ANY SONY.
its the only brand i purchase now. They are easier to learn to use then most others. Cannon's are harder--i have seen expensive Cannon's placed back in its orginal box because no one could figure out how to use it.
so, if you do not have a friend that has a camera that you like already--someone you can ask personally,
then i would go with SONY

Any of those (or a Pentax for that). Don't be fooled by fanboys/girls.
Decide what sort of photography that you want to do. What kind of lens? Look for the lens and from that choose a make.

For me personally I would pick the D3100 or the 600D (depends on what brand you'd like to stick with).
1100D - Cheap, but lacks so many features including video, and the sensor is nothing special. The build quality's also terrible.
D3100 - Best pick for sure, it's almost the same price as the 1100D but it has a wonderfully easy to use hardware and onscreen interface, and is pretty much good at everything.
D3200 - Definitely not worth the extra money. 24MP is not useful in any situation unless you print prints that are A1 or A0 (never going to happen really). Most computer screens can't even see that much detail. Otherwise it's exactly the same as the D3100 bar a few minor touches.
600D (T3i) - Also a great camera for the price, but I've always thought the D3100 was better value personally.
Sony - Lens choice makes Sony a hard bargain. There are more accessories and lenses available for Nikon and Canon.