Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm intrested in buying a Nikon d3000. But

Your Mom
Your Mom

I'm wondering if anyone knows the price range, i don't want to get ripped off

Also if you know any other type of Cams you recommend
Please feel free to tell me.

I'm looking for something between $400-$1, 000


The Nikon D3000 is running about $500 with a kit lens. You might find it for less at close out specials, since it has been replaced with the Nikon D3100. Only buy from reputable dealers. In your price range is the Nikon D5100, which I would recommend over the D3100. Also, look at the D7000 and see if you can stretch your budget some.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

If you have $1k to spend, I'd look at a D5100.


If you have a budget of $1000, buy a brand new dSLR.


The D3000 is great because it has an auto mode that essentially turns it into a point and shoot camera. There's no shutter lag and - with the right memory card - you can hit continuous shoot to take 3 shots per second. (This is ideal for shots of my daughter going down a slide or kicking a ball in the backyard.)