Nikon SLR Cameras

Idea for short films on the beach?


I'm at indian rocks beach in FL and I would like to shoot a short while I'm here. I have a nikon d3100 and a dslr rig and have some experience with a youtube channel called ZigelnikTV. If you have any ideas you are willing to share, you will be in the credits
Specs: 2-3 minutes long


Beaches are popular locations for engagement photos, wedding pictures and family vacation shots. One reason is that beaches offer great lighting, backgrounds and other features. Try these beach shooting tips to improve your photos.


Lighting can be amazing at the beach, but it can also be terrible. The best times to take photographs at the beach are early morning and early to late evening, because the sunlight usually is very soft. Sunrises and sunsets also can provide great background color for your photos. The worst time to shoot on the beach is the afternoon, when the sun is the brightest. Harsh sunlight creates bright highlights and dark shadows.


When it starts to rain at the beach, many people head to their houses or condos. But as a photographer, it's a great time to stay put. Crashing waves, darkening skies, lightning over the water and windblown dune grass are ideal for your photos. Use a waterproof camera, or cover your camera, when shooting in the rain.

Black and White

Try taking black and white photographs at the beach. The beach is typically a simple landscape. Increasing that simplicity by removing the color can be stark and beautiful. Black and white photos look especially good on cloudy days.


Don't ignore the beach's most beautiful elements. Sand creates interesting shapes and textures at the water's edge. Shells, driftwood and rocks add interest to an otherwise bland photo. And don't forget to shoot the wildlife. Birds, fish, crabs and other animals can make your beach photos more compelling.