Nikon SLR Cameras

I need some creative ideas for flower photography?


I have to do higher photography at school and the weather just now is rubbish, there's like no flowers. So I bought a bunch tonight for some photographs but I've had such an awful day I have no creative flow so was wondering if you guys have any suggestions?

I'm looking at other photographers work but sometimes a personal opinion is better.
I'm a beginner so can't get all technical and stuff unless someone talks me through. I use a Nikon D40.

America Rocks
America Rocks

Change a good direction to take the photo and also check the light

deep blue2
deep blue2

Shoot with some additional lighting against a dark background, like this;

ok that was done with off camera flash, but you could set up something similar with an LED torch illuminating the flowers (or a single flower, sometimes simple is better) on one side and a piece of white card as a reflector to fill in the shadow side. Have the flowers some distance from a dark cloth backdrop.

Use the camera on a tripod or a firm surface. Shoot with a fairly wide aperture (f4 ish?) and spot meter on the lit flower. That should (hopefully) keep the b/g fairly dark. Try to avoid light spilling on the b/g - if the beam of your torch is woo wide, make a roll of black paper or card and fit it as a tube to the front of the torch.

This is a shot taken by one of our club members using torchlight - it's of fruit but the same principles apply. The settings are given for her particular lighting setup under the image;

Martin Spooner
Martin Spooner

Leo.Jade has a great idea… Photograph the flowers at the flower stall, or round my way that'd be the metal rack they keep them on on the petrol station forecourt.

Go with Leo. Jade's idea. Top idea.

And the flower rack on a petrol station forecourt will be available 24hrs, and the night time lights may add something to the picture.

Gordon B
Gordon B

A wall with attached flowers for a pattern


Flower photography has been explored to the ends of the earth, you need to really think outside of the box for this one.

Something I tried earlier in the year is the extreme macro images where I explored beyond the flower itself into a world we don't really see much of. This is they key to flower photography, to look beyond what people have seen and photographed a billion times previously.It's

Have a look at this


If you get the chance then try at a butterfly house or somewhere like that, because then you can get some bugs in the photo and they normally have loads of cool flowers.