Nikon SLR Cameras

I have a err on my Nikon d90?


I received this wonderful error message about two days ago. I have tried everything to reseting and cleaning lens nothing happened. My problem is it will take a picture but don't show up and it keeps showing error. Its like its my shutter. Please help anyone

Added (1). Its blinking error. I shoot one at a time


With out you giving us the error, there's NO way we can help you.

Look on pages 255, 256 and 257 of your user manual and see it you see the error there

Or call Nikon 800. NIKON-UX

If it is showing the message Err blinking, then it is probably the shutter. Do you know how many shutter cycles your camera has on it? Are you in the habit of shooting in the continuous mode instead of choosing your shots one at a time?


It could be a problem communicating with your lens. You could try taking it off and putting it back on. Try a different lens to see whether to blame the camera or the lens.
If the lens is an AF-D with an aperture ring, be sure that the aperture ring is turned to its highest f number. That tells it to communicate electronically. The other settings on the aperture ring are for use with older mechanical film cameras.