I got a new Camera for Christmas but i can't turn it on?

I got a new Nikon D3000 Camera for christmas. The Battery has Been Charging for a few hours now but it still isn't fully charged. I have turned the switch on and have fiddled aroud with the thing but no matter what i do I can't get it to turn on. Is my charger broken or is there some thing that i should be doing?

If a battery is completely flat it'll take long to charge than what it says in the instruction manual. If you still have prbelems refer to the troubleshooting part of the instruction manual… If you still have problems after troubleshooting go to the store that it was boguht from

Have you checked on the manual or ask others that have the same type of camera as you do but if you you still have problems with it, you could trade or return it from where you got it from, does it have a return policy on the manual at the back?

Have you tried reading the handbook?

You need to give it time… Most tell you to let it charge over night the first time.
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