How to turn off the self timer on a Nikon d3100?

My mom was messing with my new camera and somehow turned on the self timer, can anyone give me directions on how to turn it off? It would be greatly appreciated(:
Added (1). I realize this would seem rather dumb if I had a manuel, which i don't.hence the question. Just wanted to clarify that.

Page 54 of your user manual. Page 136 shows you how to adjust how long that time is, 2s or 10s.
Now was that so hard. Nikon even has an index (page 205) at the rear of your manual so you can find all this stuff out yourself

Do You Have Still Have Your OWNERS MANUAL? This type of Information is in the OWNERS MANUAL?
Here's a Great Concept: HOW HARD IS IT TO GO PICK UP AND START READING YOUR OWNERS MANUAL? IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT TO FIND THE INFORMATION IN THE OWNERS MANUAL. Plus You Would Have Your Answer On "How To Turn Off The Self Timer" So Much Faster By Reading The Owners Manual Instead Of Waiting For That Answer.

To the right of the top dial, there's a switch with four options - one each for single shot, continuous shot, self-timer mode, and quiet mode. Just move it up to the "S" symbol to get back to normal shooting.
You are new to the camera so you are encouraged to ask questions but the owners manual is always a good place to start. I just can't believe you are getting trashed for asking a question on a question website.

There's a lever at the base of the mode dial. You'll find it pointed at one of 4 different settings.
1. S = Single shots
2. (image of multiple pages) = Continuous shooting.
3. (image of clock hand sweeping) = self-timer
4. Q = Quiet mode
Simply move the lever back to S and you're fine.

Dear Henrik and George - thank you for not taking the piss out of the person asking the question unlike the first two responses.

Thank you, I have a manual and I could not find it. So glad some people where willing to help.

"Thank you for actually helping out instead of being a jerk." - Another person who doesnt have the manual for the camera