Nikon SLR Cameras

How to Tether Nikon D3000 to my Macbook?


I have a Nikon D3000 and a Macbook, I can't find any software that will let me Tether my D3000 to my Macbook. Is there any software that will allow me to do this?
Sofortbild does NOT work. Is there ANYTHING else that will allow me to tether with MAC OSX?


Here are the two most used programs for tethering Nikon cameras.

Lightroom 3 or 4 and as you can see, the Nikon D3000 is not listed, nor are any of the Nikon entry level cameras

Camera Control Pro 2 does tether with the D5000 or D5100.

From the point of view of a photographer, tethering only slows down the process of shooting fashion, products or other situation in a studio where you can even set up a computer to tether a camera.

What exactly do you want to achieve by tethering your camera to a computer?


I have the same Camera, and have searched, and searched on how to do this. I found that softbild might work, but have yet to try it (it's available in the mac app store). Also it's said that Icarus Camera Control works, but does not officially list that it works with the D3000. There's a whole discussion about it on