How to take self portraits with Nikon D3000?

I recently got a nikon D3000, which is a great camera but is very difficult to take self portraits with. Even if I manage to get it focused properly, I can never angle it or myself quite right. Any tips?


What you've got to do is master holding it out at arms length while doing a duck face and making a 二 sign with your hands. It's Japaneses 2, pronounced "ni" the same way we use "cheese" to make a smiley face.

With D3000 there's USB Vedio Out function, but I'm not sure that this camera can perform a function of real time during taking a shot to display on screen( like laptop or TV ).So, please check with camera manual. Then if there's this function, you can connect Camera with Laptop screen and your post will be taken as you will see through the view finder.

Use a tripod (or a pile of books stacked on the table) and the self-timer. Position a broom in your place as you set-up the camera. Use a wider angle (zoom) to compensate framing errors (which you can crop later in the computer). After you finish focusing, turn off AF (go to M) before pressing the shutter button, run to position, knock off the broom and take it's place, blink once, twice or thrice while the red light is still flashing, then smile with both mouth and eyes, freeze that pose until you hear the click, breathe, then pick up everything that was thrown to the floor. Repeat process until satisfied with the result.
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