How to take pictures of the stars?

I have the Nikon D3200 and I was wondering how to take night pictures/ pictures of the night sky.

The first step is that you have to go someplace where you can see a lot of starts, so that means a log way from any large cities.
Here is a great video clip that breaks down the details to capture fantastic photos of the night sky.
Nothing I could post here would come close to what he shows.

You will need a tripod. This is non-negotiable.
Your camera's light meter will lie about awkward conditions like the night sky, and the autofocus won't work. Put the camera into manual exposure (M mode) and manual focus. Set focus to infinity. Set the aperture to something like f/8 for maximum sharpness, and start off using a shutter speed like 10 seconds. You'll soon see if that's an over- or under-exposure, so adjust the shutter speed as necessary.