How to protect my DSLR in hot, dry climate?

I'm going to Jordan, a middle eastern country, this summer. I'll be in 90˚+ weather all day, low humidity. Are there any storage tricks to keep my DSLR and accessories from overheating/melting?
Specific equipment: Nikon D5100 and Nikkor lenses all non-weatherproof, KSM CP filter (which is why I mentioned melting since it's glass)
Added (1). We will be doing a lot of walking to and from locations so constantly staying in the shade isn't feasible. I'd like advice on how to protect the camera while it is exposed to heat, not how to avoid exposure entirely.

I'd find a camera bag that wasn't black, if you plan on being outdoors, traveling with your camera in its case for some time. Black material tends to "absorb" more heat in much the same way as a greenhouse. However, a bag with good enough insulation should be fine regardless. Dry climates often translate to increased dust, dirt or sand so try not to change your lenses too often in the open air or you'll likely find yourself cleaning off your mirror and rear lens elements quite a bit!

If your body can stand the heat so would your camera. They are designed to withstand the temp.range you mention.

You don't have to do anything. 90+F is will within the operating specs of nearly all DSLRs. I have routinely used mine in 120+F temps without an issue.
The biggest thing is that if you will be using it anywhere there's a lot of dust and sand is to keep the lens changing to a minimum.

I'm so jealous, can I go too? I live in low desert country where the summer time temps run 110-115. Dry hot temps are your camera's friend but, the dust and sand are not! At camera stores are clear camera bags to use for protection. The only thing exposed will be your lens front which you will only expose briefly. At the end of the day and in a well protected room, you will need to take the lens off to inspect and clean. Don't forget your polar filter!