Nikon SLR Cameras

How to / How much to repair a Nikon D40 Mirror?

Jarred Knott
Jarred Knott

My Nikon D40's mirror has come loose, completely. It is intact and unscratched but has completely come away from the camera, I've tried putting it back in to see if it would stay in place but upon taking a photo it becomes dislodged again.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice or any knowledge on how much this would cost to repair?

Jim A
Jim A

No clue. Your best bet is contact a place like Ritz camera for repair. They can probably fix it in a matter of minutes with the right glue… That's what's happened, the glue has given way.

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

The time you have spent posting this question here could have been spent locating a camera repair shop in your local Yellow Pages and taking your camera in to them for an estimate.

BTW, Ritz does not do camera repair. The people who work there barely understand what aperture is. AND putting glue inside a mirrorbox is not a smart thing to do…