How to change the ISO on a nikon d3000?

How to change the ISO on a nikon d3000?

Do you own this camera? Do you have an owner's manual? If you do read it. If not you can download a pdf version from the Nikon site.

1. Put the camera into PSAM mode
2. Depress INFO button on camera top.
3. Select ISO with the multi-selector.

Always read the user manual thoroughly before using a digital slr camera.

This type of question gets asked here on YA about the most basic camera operation far too often
Did you still have your Owners Manual? If So than Why Haven't You Picked Up and Started Reading Your Owners Manual Yet? Because You would had discovered the Answer to the Question Simply By Reading the Owners Manual
Rule # 1 - Read the Owners Manual
Rule # 2 - Read the Owners Manual
Rule # 3 - Read the Owners Manual
So otherwise Try Reading the Owners Manual
Another Lovely Hint Try Looking at Pages 62 and 120 of the Owners Manual
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