Nikon SLR Cameras

How much would a Nikon D3100 camera sell for?


I want to sell my Nikon D3100 and get the D7000… I'm trying to figure out a reasonable price to sell for though. Its a year old but very lightly used, i haven't even taken 1000 pics on it… Any suggestions?

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Why do you want to upgrade? Is there something your camera can't do?

better to put money towards lenses, not a new camera.


If you are interested we will buy your camera and we pay through paypal or amazon gift cards. We supply shipping supplies and postage costs!

if you would like to contact us please respond to:


Sell it to or can find great low NEW Nikon DSLR


I think it'll be worth around 450$

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

Camera bodies are like second hand cars. The moment you bought it in the shop its value dropped at least to half of it!

Not joking there unless it is a hotly sought pro level model. Its price will be low. And the D3100 is well.well many are sold. This means the second hand value is quite low.

Why not use it as backup body next to your D7000. Ever seen wedding photographers. They have 2 bodies! Each mounted with a different lens!

Oh how is the rest if your gear did you know that a good lens can transform a "slow" entry level body into a stunner. Just saying the lens really is 70% of the game! Maybe instead of the D7000 you can invest in good glass.

And like someone else asked why are you upgrading… For what.better burst rate, quicker autofocus. You tend first to buy better lenses and THEN buy a new body. If you find yourself still limited at such point.


$365 with the lens.