Nikon SLR Cameras

How long does it take for your camera to save a RAW file?


I have Nikon E8400 and it takes about 30 seconds to save one raw file which is a lot so i have to shoot in jpeg because it is much faster. I know the new cameras are much faster but how long for example Nikon D3100 take to save 1 raw file?

Added (1). I'm using Kodak CompactFlash 512MB

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

It's so near instantanious that, together with the buffers for several raw pictures the timing is difficult to figureh

Mere Mortal
Mere Mortal

Today's dSLR cameras save RAW files very fast. Nearly instantaneous up until the buffer is full.


Save a raw file on what, camera or computer?


It sounds like there's a problem. It should take less than a second.

What type of memory card are you using?

Subdued Technicolour
Subdued Technicolour

That's a normal write speed for slow equipment.

A fast system with a fast memory card will be instant.

You can buy a £8 memory card or a same size capacity memory card for £300, the difference is the speed. But is it worth you buying a £300 fast memory card?