How to shoot multiple exposures with the Nikon D5000?

How do you shoot multiple exposures with the Nikon D5000?

I don't think you can but check your owner's manual. If it's there - it's there.

I have a D5000 and that's the only feature i don't really like to use because its the only one that its not well programmed but anyway you have to set your camera preferably put the shooting mode in continuous mode and then go to the bracketing mode and select "AE bracketing" after that you choose the different number of exposure and then take the photos in continuous mode and let the finger down until you have taking the three pictures NOTE: for what i have tried with flash it doesn't seems to work. By the way you can also do it in single shooting mode but then you will have to lift up you finger and focus every time you take a picture of the three pictures that you will take with the different exposures.