How to improve sharpness in outdoor images with the D7000?

I have a new Nikon D7000. I'm getting tack sharp images indoors, but outdoor images are soft. I've adjusted the fine focus, shot in both JPEG and RAW, and tried a tripod. Any suggestions?

What f-stop are you using?
Did you know that every lens has a "sweet spot"? Well this is usually two stops above the lowest f-stop. So if you have an f/3.5, then an f/5 would get you sharper images.

Do you have sample shots that you could show? This problem sounds rather untypical.
Some hypotheses:
- Are you using longer focal lengths outdoors than indoors? They'll result in less DoF and you might mistake the shallow DoF for lack of sharpness
- Are you using very closed down apertures outdoors, in bright sunlight? Sharpness will deteriorate a lot from f/16 or so on. That effect is called 'diffraction'. Try to stick to f-numbers of no more than 16, better 13 or less.

I suggest more information (a photo to see would be great (Photobucket.
Light conditions
Camera mode
Shutter speed
White Balance
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