Nikon SLR Cameras

How to manually set a nikon d3100 to see the viewfinder on the screen?


I know how to do it on guide mode but I want to adjust shutter speed and look at my screen while i'm shooting

Added (1). Well i'm using a tripod so i got a steady hold of the camera


You don't look at the screen while you are shooting you look in the viewfinder. Holding a big camera out to use the screen like that will make all your shots shaky.

Is it that hard to look in the viewfinder? You can't see the live view and the settings at the same time because the camera isn't meant to be used that way.

Mr. Curious
Mr. Curious

I don't think you can adjust shutter speed or aperture when you are in the live view mode, because the mirror is up and sensor exposed. You just can't. You have to adjust first then flip to live view to recompose


I don't own a D3100, but i don't really see any reason why you wouldn't simply be able to use live view in shutter priority mode (S mode on the top dial). What happens if you activate live view in S mode and try to turn the thumb dial?