How to improve on my photograpy? Any tips?

I love the art very much, and i just started around eight months ago.
i'm looking to improve though, heres a link to my flickrr
any tips would help, and i shoot with the nikon d3100

I suggest trying to start printing.
It is a great way to become more aware of your artform. The more you look at it, the more you realize how much is missing from your photos.

You have a good photographer's roving eye. That means that you see things that others overlook. I would say that a good next step would be to study composition. Many of your shots are too centered when they would be better if you followed the rule of thirds. You cut off things in others. (Not all of your shots. Just some. Don't go crazy on rules.) Check out this link:

How many more times are you going to post this question? These are the same photos you asked about, and received legitimate advice about, yesterday. Go out and use the advice you were already given to create some new photos. Then come back and ask how we think you have improved. If you keep asking for advice about the same photos, but never employ that advice, I have little choice but to believe you are just trolling for compliments.
And once more, the best way for you to improve would be to get your camera off of the auto exposure settings and learn how to manually create a proper exposure. Until you can do that you do not understand the most basic principle of photography.

I would say to focus more on getting your photos in focus and worrying about the lighting. Those things are distracting from your picture, which could be very good.