Nikon SLR Cameras

How to enhance my photography skills?


I was wondering how a beginner photographer could enhance is knowledge on photography. One of the things that I would want to do I read up on a good book that talks about the functions of the buttons on my camera and what it does. So could anyone recommend a book?
Secondly, what are some things to keep in mind? Like how to hold the camera and that kind of stuff. Tips on photography and what to remember when taking pictures.

Oh and if you would like to know I own a Nikon D90 with a 18-55mm lens.

basketball pwns
basketball pwns

Start doing holliday cards 4 friends and at first don't charge and show them and ask if they like it good way to get popular and learn from mistakes


Here is a good introduction to photography. I have one from years ago and it was borrowed over and over again by friends who all liked it.

Of course you should read your manual to understand how the features on your camera work. I have the same camera, and it has lots of bells and whistles. That lens will be great for landscapes and normal photography. When you get some extra cash, I'd suggest a telephoto zoom lens.

Most of all, you need to shoot as much as you can. When you read a chapter, go out and practice it.

Have fun!


The above links have tutorials on everything from how to hold the camera to color theory and composition tips. Great websites that can help you even when you become more advanced.

As far as tips for you? You are doing the right thing by getting to know your camera first. The better you know the camera, the faster and better you'll be able to photograph. What to remember? Someone once told me to keep in mind what your emotions are as you take your pictures. They should reflect how the subject makes you feel. Sounds corny but it's very true. Someone ELSE once told me that the day you stop trying to perfect your work is the day you cease to be an artist. So never settle and get your hands on all the knowledge that you can. Shoot what makes you happy and use what you learn by trial and error to grow as a photographer.


I recommend the book "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. Its more like a how-to manual than a theoretical photography book.

As far as your camera controls go, every model is different. You need to look in your owners manual for the exact answers.

mr. person
mr. person

This is not what you are specifically asking for, but I would highly recommend watching the "prophotolife" videos by Jim Talkington.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

1. The manual is an excellent source of information about the buttons. Alternatively, is better than the manual

2. Learn your camera, pick up a book about photography, just shoot and get some honest feedback (some flickr groups, certainly not this site, way too many gushers)

Robert C
Robert C

Keep experimenting and trying out new things, and keep looking out for new things to try photographing (and various ways of photographing them). And don't always shoot with the camera held horizontally; take some vertical shots as well.
With a digital camera you can experiment without ending up wasting anything as you can delete any shots you don't like.