Help needed to select DSLR camera

I'm planning to buy a DSLR(camera). As per my budget I can afford either Nikon D3100(with basic 18~55mm lens) and an extra 70~300mm lens OR a basic Nikon D5100 (with basic 18~55mm lens). I'm confused what to go for. My main objective is abstract & adventure photography. Can you guys help?

Get the D3100 with two lenses.It'll give you more flexibility. All dSLRs are basically the same.

Go to for D5100 vs Canon 600D. I only suggest this coz I think you r a serious beginner and not just a wanna be DSLR user. You will see in the video review that D5100 doesn't have what is needed for serious beginners, like quick acess to settings and dedicated buttons, which Canon 600D has and lot more for serious amateur photographers.

All models will be good for what you mentioned, and more.
D3100 with 18-55mm is brilliant, the D5100 has an articulating screen and that's mostly it.
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