Good F-stop & shutter speed for concert photography?

I'm going to a concert tomorrow, reggae concert. And i have my Nikon D60 camera.
I was wondering what the best mode, shutter speed, f-stop… All those good niffs i could set the camera to, to get the best shots. And any tips you have will be good as well! I will be very very close if that changes anything? And its inside and dark with of course the bright colorful lighting

Usually I can use 1/250th second at f/4 with my ISO set to 1600.
Remember to set your white balance to incandescent.
Once you get a good meter reading of the stage and lead singers, use that exposure setting for the rest of the concert. As the background lighting changes, the light on the lead performers will stay about the same and the lower lighting in the background will be exactly what the lighting director was after in their lighting set up.

i guess you have a good glass like the 2.8 or faste like the 1.8 or 1.4
well if it is a concert you can do depends on the light
ISO 800
F STOP 2.8
SHUTTER SPEED 1/250 SINCE THE D60 goes up to 1600 in ISO you do not want to go over 1000 ISO because they will turn out to grainy
since the band is moving shutter speed is 1/250 if ISO is going to be below 400 pictures are gonna be bad
and if the F stop is gona be over 3 picture will be too dark and ugly
remember for dark situations
anything below 2.8 in aperture
iso around 800 and shutter speed 1/125 to 1/160
i use full frame and i can go 1600 and over but since you are using a d60 over 800 iso will be too grainy

Sydney, without knowing what lens(es) you have, it's hard to advise you as well.
Also, without knowing how big a show it is, it's also hard to say.
I like to shoot concerts with short, fast telephoto lenses such as 135mm, 85mm and a normal fast 50mm lens. My apertures range from 1.2 to f4. I usually can't and do not want to stop down more than f4 with any of these lenses. When shooting in small venues, they usually don't have very capable lighting grids and you will find yourself needing to raid your iso and open your lens very wide. At larger, professional venues, you can get the chance to lower your iso and stop down for better lens performance/more depth of field.
I seldom shoot slower than 800 iso and 800 is very unusual. 1600 to 6400 is more my range. With a D60 though, you really can't go over 1600 and even 1600 won't be that nice. With a camera like that, I would personally find a 35mm film camera more effective (which is what I normally use) or a higher model Nikon such as a D90 that can do reasonably high iso work. Your photos will be noisy (not grainy, this is not film) no matter what really. You just have to embrace that!
Shutter speed needs to be as fast or faster than 1.5 times the length of your lens. So if you are shooting with a 50mm, your shutter needs to be 75 or faster. With a reggae concert, I doubt you'll need to freeze motion more than 1/125 but maybe 1/250th.
Be sure and set your WB to indoor light. Take a few test shots to be sure it's what you want. Shooting in RAW will allow you to get more natural/accurate colours than shooting in jpg if you are set-up for shooting RAW.
Shooting on a crop-sensor DSLR like your's will be useful in that you'll get more depth of field and can get tighter angles than if you on a full frame. It may be difficult to get full band shots because of this though, if you have to remain up front.
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