F mount to 58mm thread adapter / Nikon d7000?

Is there an adapter ring that goes from Nikon f-mount to a 58mm screw thread?

The 58mm refers to the lens filter size
basically to use that attachment you need to have a lens that uses a 58mm thread

You should be able to get reversing rings for the Nikon F mount on eBay.
Here you go
Note I've never used this supplier. Can't say whether they are good or not.

Yes, a reversing ring.
It is used to turn the lens into a macro by mounting the lens onto the camera backwards. It allows you to get into macro photography without spending much more than $10.
Be aware though that your camera won't recognize the lens, so you will need to shoot in manual. And you will need a non "G" lens, something that has an aperture ring, as the camera will not be able to change the aperture.
Also there are some reversing rings that have threads on both ends, which allows you to mount a reversed lens in front of another lens. This allows you to have a bit more flexibility for macro, such as easier focusing, but the non "G" lens still applies as you have will want to be able to adjust the reversed lens's aperture.