Does the Nikon D60 battery grip shoot either way your holding it?

I'm getting a battery grip for my D60 nikon but can you still press the shutter button vertically and horizontally?
Added (1). I'm buying a JENIS BATTERY GRIP not a NIKON

Since Nikon does not make a battery grip for the D60, it depends on which of several brands you are buying. Most do have an auxiliary shutter release for portrait mode shooting, but not all of them do. It is a pain in the posterior to implement, since the camera was not designed to accept such a feature.
EDIT: Yes, I understand you aren't buying a Nikon battery grip, because they don't make one for your camera. Never have.
And if you look at the photos of the grip on Amazon: and read the description, you can see the shutter release for portrait mode, and it tells you this in the description.
Not really that difficult…