Does the nikon d3200 take better crisp pictures then its new competitors?

I was looking on and looking at the color brightness in pictures from different cameras. The d3200 has sharp pictures and a lot of color rather then the d5100 and d5200.It's like those two models which are alot newer seems to lack color. And since I'm not a person who edits pictures that kinda stuff matters to me. Also the canon t3i seems to have alot if color and sharpness the d5100 And d5200 dnt have. I do like the swivel screen on the canon t3i as well that the d3200 does not have. But dnt think canon has Wi-Fi, I'm not a photographer and noise and white balance are not a big deal to me, I see a picture for its color and sharpness and not to far in detail. Nikon says it has better color depth but I dnt see how when pictures look like its lacking color. And also on I can tell which picture have been edited so makes the landscape pictures look unreal for most edited pics. For a normal person who just wants a dslr camera for family pictures and family portraits what is the smarter choice when it comes to better color and sharpness? Please don't make this confusing for me, try and take a normal person who knows nothing about photography's point of view and let me know what is best for me… I'm having the hardest time choosing bc of so many different reviews, also Pentax k30 is out I'm not a fan of the body look and just don't care for it.

Apologies Sarah,
Photography isn't something that is easily picked up and mastered overnight… Images are made up of light and the photographer paints their image with that light… So you really do need to understand some basic 'rules' to get that quality colour palet that you see in the 'Canon images'… White balance isn't something that you just 'discard' it is an essential part of photography… And this shows lack of knowledge and inexperience… I'm not criticising you,… I'm trying to get you onside, to perhaps realise that you really need to invest time and effort to get 'great images'… It takes a good photographer to get great images 'Sarah'… You are concentrating too much on the camera… And that's not the way… If you want a great camera then buy a 'great camera'… You have to know how to work it.

You could make any camera emulate that saturation and colour balance. They all have custom settings in their menu systems that let you specify it.
A lot of what you see on Flikr will have been post-processed and plenty of photos have been manipulated into High Dynamic Range Images automatically by shooting 3 at different exposures and combining the best bits of each.
For the swivel screen get the Canon T3i, Nikon D5200, or better find a Sony A57 which is best for video. They are not gimicks and they let you shoot from different levels very easily, and turn it away from annyoying reflections; you can even hold it at waist level and look down into it - excellent for photos of children. Just like we used to do in the 1960s and 70's with our gig old Twin Lens Reflex cameras.

Actually what you're asking isn't about the camera, it's about the lenses you use on that camera.
Any dslr camera will do crisp, bright, very sharp photos if you use the right lenses. It also matters whether or not you actually know how to properly operate both camera and lens. If you don't then you should learn.
Lighting is a big factor as well.

What you see on Flickr can be partly a product of how the image was edited. Also some models have the sharpness, contrast, and saturation turned up more than others in the camera by default. There are user settings that can control that. Often the better cameras start with more subdued settings, because that leaves more room for software tinkering.
The D5100 is probably a better choice than the D3200.

I like my T3i. I take some crisp colorful photos.