Does nikon d5100 have a vivid scene mode?

I have been a canon user eversince. In fact, i already have a canon eos 550d. But i read that nikon produces richer colours, and i'm planning to buy one, specifically, the d5100. But i envy canon 60d's vivid mode in their presets. Does nikon d5100 have this? I don't want to buy 60d mainly becoz i wanted to try nikon too, and secondly becoz it is more pricey compared to nikon d5100.
Added (1). To: petra_au
i'm using photoscape for post processes. And yes, you read it right! I have extra money to buy a nikon d5100 becoz i simply want it. I just sold my canon G11 and want to buy another dslr. I'm a camera lover and already have 6 units, 5 are compact digicams. I wanted a canon 60D but also thought of trying out nikon systems. You didn't answer my question, does nikon d5100 have a vivid mode in scene selection or not? The answer is just a simple yes or no, unless you can't understand english language.

You're better off increasing contrast and things like that using computer software.

Most Nikon's do, but to be sure, download the manual and check.

I honestly think you're being a little silly. You already have a perfectly good camera in the 550D, so why change it? I suppose you didn't know that you CAN actually increase the Contrast, Saturation and Skin Tones if you want… IN-CAMERA? No, of course you didn't.
Look up (and READ)… 'Customizing a Picture Style' on pages 91-93 of your Instruction Manual.
And what about exposure compensation? Your images may even be overexposed, so look that up in your Manual too.
Most photographers do all their tweaking of images in post production… It's usually a necessary requirement. But I suppose you don't know what PP is, do you?

See page 91 in the D5100 manual which you can download.
Since you already have a perfectly good Canon camera, there's no reason to switch. Your 550D is perfectly capable of producing dazzling colors.