Did i just buy the wrong DSLR?

Today i bought a nikon d5100 with kit lenses 18mm-55mm & 55mm-300mm with filter and 16gig SD card from $1000 AUD at JBHI down from $1500, i was so close to buying a canon 600D as it felt slightly better in hand and build, but the sales rep assured me the nikon was better.

The D5100 is a great camera, and from a technical standpoint, no, you did not. From an overall standpoint, yes you did.
You found that you liked the 600D better, and this is where I suggest you go back to the store, return the camera, and get what you like.
Performance wise, the D5100 IS better, but that extra performance is negligible to novices.

Buying a camera is all down to personal preference. Some cameras handle certain tasks better than others and visa versa. Ask yourself what situations do I want the camera to excel in & pick the one with those strengths.

The chip on the D5100 has a better dynamic range and lower noise than the canon chip, but it's only one component in the camera.
You went against the advice I would have given, had you asked first before buying: Try it in the hand. You are using it. The one that best fits your hand, in todays market place at any given price point, is the best camera for you.
I like Canon, and I have a range of canon dedicated lenses, so I will buy canon from now on. If I were buying my first DSLR I would buy the one that fits my hand best, and whose menu system I understand best.
Worry not, the d5100 is a great camera and will give you great results. Not so sure about the 55-300 lens.