Nikon SLR Cameras

Controlling the shutter speed on Nikon D60 for light photography?


I want to try to take some light photography (or "painting with light") and I know that you have to set the camera to Manual setting and then set the shutter speed to "bulb". But I would like to be able to take the pictures by myself, and with the bulb option I have to have my finger on the button at all times. Is there a way I can change the settings on my camera so I can press the button to open the shutter, leave the camera without my finger on it, and then go back and press the button again to close the shutter?


Have you tried a remote shutter release like this Your local camera store should also carry them. There may also be other ones that will fit your camera


This is simple, youre not thinking about it, thats all.

don't use B… Use A. Aperture prioroty.set F22, put the camera on A… And shoot the scene… Let the processor work out the exposure values… Itlll do a better job than you ever can… And always set the iso/asa to 100.and, you MUST use a tripod, or other support… Youre looking at exposure times of minutes…

both these albums contain images which may interest you… I've been painting with light for over 35years… The ones of the fairground were shot on a Zenith Em… Resting on whatever i could find, and the exposure was guess work… The galleon in swansea harbour was shot at around midnight, exposure was around 13-14 minutes on an Om4ti…