Nikon SLR Cameras

Canon Cameras, which one to get?


I'm 15, been doing photography for a year and been using my brothers Nikon D90, would love one of my own though, my parents have said they would buy me a camera for my birthday, but i have no idea what to get.
These are the kind of pictures i take… (that is page 5 of my flickr, but you can look through to get an idea of what i photo.)

I don't want another Nikon, as it would be pointless since a newer/ better model than the Nikon d90 would be more expensive, and a cheaper one wouldn't be as good. So i can just use this as a spare one.

People have said to me, a Canon Rebel, or a Canon. Any one: L So, i really don't know, my price range is pretty high, so it just depends how good it is!


Since you have experience using a Nikon D90, why do you want a Canon? Actually you are making unwaranted assumptions. The Nikon D5100 can produce excellent images and still under $1, 000.

Here is how the D90, D5100 and similar Canon cameras compare, the Canon 600D.

As you can see, the most recent Canon 600D is NOT better than the Nikon D90 and the Nikon D5100 is better than both of them. Maybe you just have not done the research to know this, but you may want to reconsider your choice

Your "people" haven't done the research either it seems


I agree with the other 2 answers - you have tried Nikon and like Nikon so why change?

Another advantage of going Nikon is that you would be able to share lenses and accessories with your brother. This was one of the reasons I went for a Canon - my son already had one and we occasionally borrow each other's lenses. When we're out together we have a common pool of kit - no point carrying 2 of everything.


Max out your price range to maximize satisfaction. That's all there's to it.


1) If you have experience with Nikon, then changing systems can be a hassle

2) If your brother has a Nikon, you can't share equipment if you buy a Nikon. Camera systems aren't universal.

3) Canon Rebels aren't as good as a D90. If you want better than a D90, then you'd have to get a 60D or a 7D.

Therefore I would recommend that you just get another D90, having two identical cameras makes your life much easier than having different models. For example the D5100 has a different layout (ergonomics) to the D90.