Can you connect a camcorder screen to a DSLR?
Can you connect a camcorder screen to a DSLR? - 1
Added (1). I have a Nikon D3100 and want to connect a screen to it so I can see myself whilst filming videos for YouTube. Can I get one that plugs into the ports in the side or is it not possible?
Yes, and here's how:
When ever you need to know how to do something, first go to YouTube.
Only if there are appropriate inputs and outputs available, which is not likely.
It's called a "Field Monitor" and they are not "camcorder" screens but monitors with HDMI inputs.
Do you have a computer monitor with HDMI input? Hit Craigslist as a used 19" computer monitor is larger and cheaper than a camera field monitor.
NOTE: All your problems come from using a still-shot camera to try to shoot video. A Canon Vixia RF500 camcorder is $250 - cheaper than another lens for that DSLR, but it has a flip-forward screen, HDMI output, etc.
Not on a Nikon D3100 you can't!