Nikon SLR Cameras

Can't lock apreture ring in Nikon D7000?


Hello every1,
I'm using a lens with an aperture ring and it lock only iwhen the aperture is f 22 but when I want to change it to another number it won't lock? Donno what's the problem!

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

The problem is you not reading or understanding your camera manual. When you have a lens with an aperture ring you lock it at f22 (or f32, f16, whatever's the highest) and you use the body to set aperture just like you would with a lens without an aperture ring.

AFAIK you'd need a d300 or better to have the option to use the aperture ring on lenses


The aperture lock is to prevent the aperture ring from being used in P, S, and A modes. The aperture has to be set at minimum for the automatic modes to work. You can turn the aperture ring all you want in M mode only but it should be possible to adjust aperture through the wheel if the lens supports it.

There's no problem. If you happen to see that fEE error again, you already know what to do.


That's how it's meant to work. You see modern nikons are designed to operate from the body only, and the aperture ring is mainly there for backwards compatibility. In all modes the aperture ring is set to 22 so that you can get open aperture metering to work without interference.