Can I transfer pictures from my Nikon D5000?

Can I transfer pictures using a USB cord that you use to show pictures on your tv that CAME with my Nikon to upload pictures onto my computer?
I'd use my USB that was meant for it but I lost it.
Added (1). I'm in a big rush to upload these pictures and I don't have the time to go and get a new one right now.


Can't you just buy another cord? I think you can buy them at walmart
Answer mine please

If your computer has a memory card reader (a slot to plug your memory card into), then get your memory card and plug it in.It'll work just as well as an USB cable without all the fuss with wires.
If your computer is an older one that doesn't have a memory card reader, then you can easily find one at your local electronics store for not a lot of money:
And no, you can't upload your pictures using the TV cable.