Camera will not turn on even when batterty is charged up?

Digital nikon d5000 series camera had just taken a couple of pic's and min later tried to take a pis and camera dead so i charged the battery completely up and still the camera will not turn on to take any pictures.
Added (1). The sd card had been taken out safely and pictures had been made at walgreens I later replaced the sd card to take a couple of pictures and thats when this happed

Take it back to the shop that you got it from and ask for a refund.

Batteries can be compromised by dirty Contacts both in the Camera and on the battery.
you can confirm dirty contacts by inserting and removing the battery several times fairly quickly.
if this works the Battery indicator in the Viewfinder and or on the Monitor
see page 6, 8, 28 in the D5000 Manual
should change from near minimum to near maximum
Contacts on the Battery may be safely cleaned with a pencil eraser making sure any residue is removed from the battery
a pencil eraser may be used to clean contacts inside the Battery compartment but the residue will be harder to remove get a Rocket blower or similar to use air forced through a bulb to clean this area and any lenses of course

It sounds like you have a dead battery. Sometimes batteries are defective… Even if new. If they won't replace your battery or camera (which they should) you can get a battery online here:
- Our camera won't turn on despite a fully charged new battery?
- My Nikon D5300 battery will not charge, even over night. What am I doing wrong?
- D40 battery charged, yet when put into camera there's no reaction?
- How to know if the battery of my Nikon D3200 Camera is fully charged?
- Can i charge Nikon D5000 battery while it's 70% charged?