Nikon SLR Cameras

Best settings for Nikon D5000?

live and love
live and love

What would be the very best settings for the Nikon D5000 dslr camera for video mode? I'm using the DSLR to shoot skateboarding with the HD Video mode but what are the best settings for video mode? Like focus, and color and WB and such.


Every shooting situation, regardless of the camera, is unique. Everything depends on the available light for that particular situation so there are no "best" - there never are.

I'd suggest you learn about the relationship between ISO, shutter speed, aperture and light. All these apply to still photos. The only one that doesn't apply to video is shutter speed.

Everything depends on your available light. Focus? Oh come on, that depends on your distance from your subject.


The settings you use depend on the conditions, that's why there are so many possibilities. Raid your local library for a few pointers.

