Any tips on sneaking in a DSLR to a concert?

I'm going to Bamboozle this year and I have a nikon d3100 and I really want to use it, any tips on sneaking one in? Or should i just forget it?

I've never been there. Here are some concert sneaking tips if they don't have metal detectors. Otherwise the camera body will set it off. Go with a female friend. Have her bury it on the bottom of her purse in pieces; meaning the camera body separate from the lens you plan to take. Have the caps on them to protect the lens and mirror. Have her cover the camera with a scarf and bury it with make-up, keys, brush, etc.
If they just look in the purse as she hold it open this works. If not and she has to dump out her purse or they have metal detectors, you're sunk. If security are thieves, they will confiscate your camera and not return it. If they are good people, they may give you a chance to return it to your car.

If you put it in a bag they will search the bag so.
I wouldnt risk it personaly.a few of my friends have tried, they got their tickets taken at the door and got told to leave.
But different venus have different attitudes.