Nikon SLR Cameras

Any recommended cleaning lens kit?


I'm looking for a good cleaning kit for my lenses - any recommendations are appreciated. I accidentaly dropped my lens into the sands.

in addition, does the sensor cleaning option on my nikon d5100 will clean the dust and sands out of the sensor? If not, any cleaning kit for the sensor as well?

Added (1). Oh - and how do you generally prevent dusts while changing your lenses?


1) Micro-fiber cloth should be enough. I usually try to stay away from any liquid cleaners.

2) It vibrates most of the dust specs off, but it's no excuse to not be still careful with changing lens.

3) Change them with the camera body facing down, reducing the chance of any dust falling down on the sensor.

4) Cleaning the sensor yourself is a bit risky. If it gets too bad, try and see what your options are for camera maintenance.



Use a blower like one of these to get rid of any sand. Trying to use a cloth to remove sand will only damage your lens by scratching it.

If sand got into your camera, then something happened more than dropping your lens into the sand

For how, unless you want to risk further damage your camera and lens, have it professionally cleaned.

In the future, you need to keep a UV filter on your front element to protect if from sticky fingers and other possible damage to the lens.

The auto sensor cleaning system on Nikon's are excellent. I have never had a problem, although I never change lenses under windy conditions and blow out the chamber behind the lens from time to time. Dust that accumulates in that chamber can eventually reach the sensor, but if you keep it clean, you should never have a problem

Keep the camera sensor cleaning feature set to operate both when you turn on the camera and again when you shut it off.