Nikon SLR Cameras

Amateur photography studio


I want to set up a sort of photography studio in my room, and my room isn't very big, so it can't take up too much space. I just think it would be fun and good practice to take better lit pictures of people, like a photo-shoot. I want to be able to make a DIY lighting (I want it to be lit well). I know it won't be as great as the real thing, but that is okay. I have a nikon d5000 camera. Ideas on how to do this?




Working portraits requires space. You might not be able to set up even a temporary lighting rig in the space available. It may not be what you want to learn right now, but a good alternative to learn lighting techniques that apply to anything is to take pictures of still life and ad shots. LIghting basics can be learned in little more than a clean desk area. Also, you might look at some of the stuff at He has some good information on lots of aspects of photography.