Nikon SLR Cameras

Am i spoiled for asking for this?


So I was thinking that I would ask to get a Nikon D3100 camera from my parents, considering I'm not old enough to get a job. However, if I got the camera now, I was thinking that that could by my early birthday present, and so on my actual birthday I wouldn't get anything. I've never asked my parents for anything so big beofre, so I was wondering do I sound spoiled if I got a Nikon D3100 for my birthday?

Eric S
Eric S

Depends on how well-off your family is, and if they have done something like this before.

If you don't think they would react well, wait.


Spoilt? I'm going to say Yes.

Especially asking for it now and for nothing for your birthday. While that sounds like a good idea it doesn't really work like that as far as I'm concerned.

It is good to hear that you are considering earning money to purchase the camera yourself. If you're old enough to use a camera like this then you are old enough to get some sort of job or earn money from chores for family and friends. Dishes, gardens, vaccumming the floor, taking the rubbish out, walking the dog, mowing the lawns, getting a paper run etc etc. Cleaning cars inside and out for anyone that is willing to pay. Plenty of jobs around if you look for them.

Perhaps you could buy half of the camera with money from chores and your parents pay the other half?