Nikon SLR Cameras

A good quality SLR camera foe beginner?


I was thinking about purchasing an SLR camera to play around with photography in my spare time. I wouldn't want anything too complicated, but something with a good quality for the money. But I want there to be enough features to mess around with the photo lighting settings and other things in that criteria, but not extremely complicated.
I was considering a Canon rebel t1i but I figured it would be too complicated for a beginner. A rebel xsi, a Nikon D90 and a Nikon D3100 are also in mind.

Any suggestions about this?

Added (1). Sorry for the typo in the title.


There are only three things you need to know how to control to use a DSLR properly; ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. This is the same for EVERY SLR or DSLR camera. Once you learn the basics of exposure based on these three characteristics, no DSLR is any more complicated than another. If you really want to take nice photos, you should seriously consider taking a photography class. Every good photographer took at least one (and often times several) photography course. Once you learn the basics, picking a camera that will do what you need is pretty easy.


Well honestly, all DSLR cameras under $1200 or so are fairly simple to use since they all have an "auto" mode, just like point-and-shoot cameras. Of course, this isn't the recommended mode to be in since that would mean you'd never realise the potential of your camera. Learn to use the P, A, S, and M modes.

If ultimate simplicity is what you are looking for, the D3100 probably fits that description the best. It has a "guide mode" that guides you through different features and explains to you what they do and how they affect your pictures. Very handy if you're just starting.

If you want even more simple, then skip digital cameras altogether. Grab yourself a manual film camera such as the Nikon FM2 and a 50mm prime lens and you'll be getting the same high quality pictures as a digital SLR but without all the "complicatedness"!