Nikon SLR Cameras

DSLR Does this looks like Barrel Distortion?

enjoy life
enjoy life

I have a nikon 50mm f/1.8 and I was looking at my photo that I took and it looks like my lens created a Barrel Distortion affect on my keyboard. Can some one conferm that's this is Barrel Distortion. I was told that my lens produce very little Barrel Distortion.

Here is the photo link

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

Narrow Depth of Field caused by large aperture… That close, must have been at f/1.8…

to have barrel distortion you either get a convex or concave image with known horizontals and verticals

Mere Mortal
Mere Mortal

It's kind of hard to tell in that picture because of the shallow depth of field.

If anything, it appears that you have actually created mostly pincushion, not barrel, distortion. The edges of the laptop are showing pincushion but the keys appear to exhibit barrel. But like I said, it's hard to tell from that picture.

Try shooting something with lots of vertical and horizontal lines, like a brick wall. Be sure to keep your film/sensor plane parallel to the wall. That will show how much distortion your 50mm f/1.8 is producing. It's typically fairly low for primes.