Nikon SLR Cameras

Dslr camera's for under 200euro?


Just wondering what are some good Dslr camera's (preferably nikon, canon) for under 200euro
-want a camera which is handy for beginners, and is SD card compatible but all i've seen is crazy 500, 600 euro prices


At 200euro. You can't get DSLR (Digtal SLR). May be a film SLR you can get. But today's era it is a useless.

Up your budget or save till 400-500 Euro. Best of Luck!


I and many others are in the USA and as such don't know what to recommend. You will at least have to do the leg work here. And check the places that have the best prices and then tell us what you have available. For us to "spoon feed"you a recommendation is not going to be beneficial to you.
You should while you are checking prices, "try out" the cameras. You will find immediately one or more that is not comfortable to hold or view through. When it is not comfortable to view through, you want to ask the clerk if the "icons' can be removed from the screen to give you a more unobstructed view. So after all this you come to us "armed" with the feeling of what you like. I'm very aware when I put a camera to my eye as whether, I like it or not! As such when I reentered the DSLR market, I defected from a life long love affair with Canon to Pentax. I just could not get use to 5 frames for focusing. I prefer one single frame which is movable for my style of picture taking. The quality factor in Canon, Pentax, or Nikon is such that you won't regret purchasing any one of them. But you need
the camera which best matches you.
Good Luck, & I hope I have given you something to think about.

Bla B
Bla B

There are no dslr cameras from Canon or Nikon that you can buy brand new in your budget range. Best bet would be try hunting down an in good condition used Canon EOS Digital Rebel a.k.a. The 300D. You might be able to find one of them w/ a kit lens that someone's willing to throw in for the upper end of your budget. Make yourself known at any nearby camera shops and tell them what you're looking for and to keep an eye out for any traded-in dslrs in your price range so that you can get a look at them to decide if they'll be worth your money.

Jim A
Jim A



500-600€ are the very cheap beginner DSLRs. For under 200€ you won't be able to find anything.
Even a used DSLR for under 300€ is hard to find (maybe a used Canon 1000D or something). Sorry to say, but you will have to save more money. For 200€ you can barely buy a decent lens. I paid 700€ for a lens last month. Photography is an expensive hobby.

The cheapest you can get is maybe a Nikon D3100 or a Canon 1100d for about 400€.