Nikon SLR Cameras

Does using manual focus on a DSLR's movie mode make noise like autofocus?


I've notice in quite a lot of video tests from certain Nikon's, Canon's, etc. That using the autofocus during the movie mode actually creates noise that you can hear it focus, if I were to film using manual focus instead of autofocus, would I be able to film low/ambient scenes without hearing the annoying focus noise?

Brian K
Brian K

Yes. However, DO NOT record using the cameras audio. No matter WHAT, ALWAYS record audio separately and sync it in post. This will give you production quailty audio and will allow you use a wide variety of mics.

The manual focus does make a scraping noise. It is less noticeable, but you will definetly hear it. You can use a digital audio recorder. If you want, just get a cheap one from target. But if you want a Really good one, consider the Zoom H4N and a good shotgun mic (will cost you around 400 dollars)

sorry for the all caps rage!


Canon doesn't auto focus during video-it's all manual focus all of the time. So if you have heard the noise in a Canon made video then yep, that would be the manual focus.
Manual focus is going to make much less noise. Most serious videographers are using manual focus anyway.

Use an external mic to get rid of the noise if you don't want to sync