Nikon SLR Cameras

Does anybody have any recommendations for old film cameras?


I'd like to buy one, to see how they're like because in our modern society everything is digital.
I think it'd be a cute, intimidating, painful (developing part of it) experience for me because I just love photography and I would like to try out this. I think it would be fantastic.SO, do any of you know of any great Canon's or Nikon old film cameras that I can simply buy off of Amazon or something?
Something like this perhaps?

Oh, and please recommend one that's not TOO old. Thanks.

Added (1). Or "FM cameras" whatever you call 'em.


Nikon FM's were great.

I have a few 35mm SLR's. An Olympus OM10, OM20 and OM 40
A really old fully mechanical Asahi pentax

My favourite however is my Canon A1, so I recommend this over the others. The lenses are manual focus, however FD lenses are considered some of the best glass Canon ever produced.


There were lovely cameras not so expensive now in general. I never had Cannon film cameras, but Nikon F serie were so handy and beautiful. And Nikonmatr was something like legendary. Olympus made pretty slr's as OM10 or such with this funny name OMG, I owned one once. Leica made many models of the R serie, but usually stay not so cheap though have the advantage that you can sell them easilly. Pentax was a good brand for slr too, in fact its name comes from the pentaprism that these kind of cameras use. There are many much brands. I love rangefinder cameras, though maybe it's not your preference. Nikon made some jewels on this field. Leica developped the 135 roll camera and you can find lots of different models of M serie, usually expensive too but with an easy exit. Contax made cameras and lenses of a high quality. And if you love medium format Rolleiflex made a few different models of double lens reflex cameras. Mamiya made a handy an nice camera too, sorry I can't remember the model. And for all these, if you look for better prices russian made many cameras, like Zenit and others, many times replaying some of the above, but generally with a good quality.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

You want something not too old and you post a camera introduced in 1959. Funny!

Anyway, to the other poster, yes, FD glass is nice but the A-1 and it's siblings. Not the most sturdy of cameras in my opinion.

As to the question, there's some good used gear on amazon but at those prices I'd go to a speciality shop like They can set you up with a complete kit like this fg20


You may also want to consider a voigtlander rangefinder. Very affordable for what you get. It is like a poor mans leica.
for more information


Hmm, I have a not so old Nikon FM3A which can go either automatic or manual as far as exposure time. However do not completely rule out "old" cameras. I have 6 "old" Kodak Retinas that are fully manual, need no batteries and have fine optics. I love all my film cameras. Whatever you choose, have fun with it.

John P
John P

It will be more a question of what you can find at a reasonable price, and in good condition. Most of the SLRs made by the big names would suit. Buy at a shop rather than mail order, easier to deal with problems!


You can also go to the website of the Film Photography Podcast, where there's a store from which you can buy a working film camera.